dimecres, 19 de desembre del 2007


Ací viu Lola.

Per què ens agrada ficar-li nom a les coses?

(pregunta oberta)

dissabte, 8 de desembre del 2007

Commedia dell'arte!

This kind of theatre is all about making fun of human behaviour.
Everything is exagerated.
Your're not in love.... you die of love!!
You don't like money... you just can not live without it.

It's also about improvisation.
We just had stablished scenarios (where to go and when)
but the words just come and go

and it was
... just amazing!!!

Instead of dying of money, as it should be because of Pantalone (my character: an old man just worried about money, crazy about it, his aim in the pla is to get id of his daughters because they are spending so much), behind the stage I was dying of laugh.
Just lying on the floor, not being able to stand up... oh my good! HILARIOUS!

Our play was a version of the tale "The Emperor's new suit" (Andersen).
One of the moments I like the most was at the end. When I just went out in underwear (not woman underwear, of course, it was a grey tight pijama), thinking that I was wearing a good dress and Zanni said: "but he's only wearing underwear!!"
And so, very quickly, Brigella convinced me that actually, it was better like this...
nudity sells! and one of the aims of this century is sex!! so... all the audience was going to pay ME for seeing me kind of naked. So I went through the audience with a hat, begging money, and after that, I proclamed that
"when I was young, I used to be a rock star"
and then started to play, with all the characters, a version of don't worry be happy with lyrics of our play.

And people liked it, sooo much!
1.final photo when the audience was leaving
2.the first scene, when dottores convince me that the best idea is to make a ball
3.lovers falling in love with chairs
4.dressing up before the performance!

dimecres, 5 de desembre del 2007


Són els petits detalls del dia a dia

els que compten al final

quan els anys passen més ràpid que els dies.

[em fa falta una bona sessió antiestrés]

"Tantes coses a fer i em queda tan poc temps per fer-les.... "

(era dels pets?)

dissabte, 1 de desembre del 2007


No és qüestió de juntar a tothom en una mateixa cosa
sino d'encoratjar a la gent a expressar les diferències

a viure-les

i a estimar-les.

La guerra va començar de la inseguritat que suposava ser u mateix
ètnia, cultura, religió

la nostra misió és aconseguir un espai on tothom es senta segur amb allò que és
un veritable món en pau, en respecte, en solidaritat....

...naix d'acceptar les diferències, no d'unificar-les en una única cultura global.
[Hui a les 12 hem tingut una conferència sobre el futur d'aquest UWC
s'hauria de fer més a sovint
és bo recapitular i vore els problemes
però per sobre de tot,
els objectius aconseguits]