Enough of beating myself up
enough of not feeling self-confident at all
enough of comparing myself too much with others
enough of thinking people don't have reasons to love me
enough of getting better and then fall again in the same old story...
"There's nothing to lose, but our chains"
But what if we are not strong enough?
Even worse: what if we suddenly lost the strenght?
Life is not easy when you feel like crying almost every single day. When you're always tired, with lots of work to do. When you're kind of losing your social life, spending too much time alone in your room. The good part of not having full-time roomates is that you can have your own (and bigger) space, but it makes it so easy to get distant to world. And having such a calm floor doesn't help that much...
Tomorrow I'll work on theatre, physics, english, economics and spanish. Well, I think I rather would say: "Tomorrow I would like to work on" because, I don't know why, sundays seem to have less hours than any other day of the week.