dimecres, 29 d’agost del 2007

Today in english

Hi everybody.
Maybe it's a bit strange to read my words in english.
But I decided it yesterday, in order to improve a bit my english, and to make happy Yuval for one day (it's a bit difficoult for a boy from israel, to understand catalonian).

What I want to say today is...
nothing special.

sorry yuval, but I can't express myself in english for the moment.

nada. intento fallido.


1 comentari:

Anònim ha dit...


Ey, pos no te ha quedado nada mal el post en inglés!!
En realidad creo q no dice nada, pero esta mu xulo.
Por cierto, después de q insistieses tanto (jeje) he escrito algo nuevo en mi blog!

Enga, cuidate!
Cada vez falta menos!!