dilluns, 20 de juliol del 2009

The end

They say all stories have an end. I am not completely sure, but I do know that this story had one.
The stories from Mostar have ended, even though Mostar is more than ever in my heart.
Though I am one of those who always have said that life in a UWC never ends, and I keep thinikng we are right, one has to understand that, however, it does not continue being in the same way.
Now there is a trunk so full up of memories that it seems a black hole, prepared to swallow one if one is not careful to say: no! life keeps being as marvellous! and the world is still full of things, little things, and bigger things to discover.
Today some tears appeared while reading a brief comment of a first year, a comment that made me dive in an ocean of smells, sceneries, streets, rooms, corridors, faces... that made me remember those last coffees with the beloved ones and with the ones I did not have time to love enough.
This is one of those experiences in which any word would say too little.
That is why, now that this adventure has ended for sure, we will be able to taste its juice in the already written in this blog...
or in the thousand things that have been left to say, and that perhaps will appear randomly at the new world that is beginning: Edinburgh and its university, and its theatre, and its people, and its sky...
Històries des de Mostar will soon stop being: www.neusrodeta.blogspot.com. But it will not disappear, it will only pass on to another domain.
In this direction, soon, you will find Snijeg u Edinburgh (Snow in Edinburgh in bosnian/croatian/serbian)
En aquesta direcció, prontament, trobareu Snijeg u Edinburgh (que en bosni/croata/serbi vol dirNeu a Edinburgh).

Nothing else,
thank you to all of those who, by internet, phone, letter, or tangible presence, have accompanied me in this wonderful journey

"When a door for happiness closes, another opnes, but sometimes we look so much time at the one that closed, that we cannot see the one that just opened in front of us."

Photo: flags in front of Musala residence. Don't you see mine? The Little Prince's rose.

1 comentari:

Yan-Kei/ Clare ha dit...

I've noticed that this entry was in July, but I didn't have to courage to surf through any of the blogs at that time since the UWC experience was much too close... Through, this unique UWC experience has finally come to an end, yet I'm sure it will find a special place in our hearts...