dimarts, 28 d’octubre del 2008

I'm getting indignant again

"A falta de investigaciones completas en algunas provincias, el balance es estremecedor: 129.472 personas murieron a manos de los fieles al dictador (entre 1936 y 1939 y durante la posguerra), mientras que 38.563 fueron asesinados en la retaguardia republicana. "

As fore me, it is not a question of who killed more people, who is more to blame due to the lives they distroyed...

this was about some bastards destroying the path we started to walk towards a better country.
Freedom, equality, respect, tolerance... tot a pastar fang.
Sometimes I tend to believe that people that still support the coup cannot have a propper brain. I imagine it full of worms having a party.

1 comentari:

Neus ha dit...

Que caòtica que estic últimament.