The neutral mask was a kind of beginning for me. It was the expirience that started to light up the rest. I put myself in so many questions I couldn't answer that my mind erased all the preconvieved ideas about theatre I had before. It was exactly as this quote from a handout: "When a student has experienced this neutral starting point his body will be freed, like a blank page on which drama can be written... The neutral mask in the end unmasks"
I have to admit that before this term attending theatre classes, I thought that theatre was only about living stories. But then, by time, I learned that it is death if you pretend just to tell a story, instead of setting it up to leave the audience leave it. Theatre is more than just the facts of a story, and it's more than just the emotions of a poem.
Theatre it's both, it's even more!! In theatre everything is on stage: emotions and actions. The audience will take what they want to take and so you can not pretend to teach anything, only to make people think about it, so they will find their own way to learn.
I used it in the presentation because it simbolizes incredibly well what theatre started to be for me. Both, the text and the image, are telling you to go, to go there and discover what the hell is that dark figure, what is she/he doing, what's the meaning of all of it...?
And so it was for me. I really started to love theatre, to enjoy each leson, to really feel that enthusiasm about all the things I had to discover. Days started to be mine!
You can also see lots of colours, as there are so many things in theatre to learn about. However, take a look! You cannot find a single colour which is not connected with the others, as you cannot understand something if you don't try to link it with all the possible things you already know. Even more, at the beginning the colours are not clear at all, but if you really keep on working you'll reach the center, where things start to get their whole sense.
However, that was not all. I went on thinking about this "graph" and wondered how it could end. Was it always going to be like that?
Maybe by constant work, it could get constant, in way!!
But then I realized how stupid it was, to get constant. First of all, becuase I cannot avoid the downs, they come and that's it. But, second of all, because I even don't want to. I don't want to be misanderstood, of course I don't like to beig upset or depressed, but downs make me think about what is going wrong, they give me the strenght to keep on working, they give me more perspective and help me to improve. So then I thought this last draw could simbolize it better, and a down does not necessarely mean that I'm so depressed, but that I have so many doubts in my head that nothing is clear at all.
2 comentaris:
me encanta neus!
yo tengo mi diario demasiado dejado de lado, y últimament sólo nos dedicamos a hacer las máscaras...haber si me pongo a ello y te enseño alguna página! la escaneo y te la mando!
Sencillament fantàstic Neus. Estic realment emocionada de veure com les teues il.lusions van acomplint-se: el teatre, la pintura, estar a fora, coneixer gent, saber més, en definitiva viure. Perque tú eres una aventurera, pinturera, teatrera. A més, veure la teua gràfica, qué sort que quan estàs molt bé tens un altiplà i les baixades son un piquet que remunta cap a dalt de seguideta.
SENCILLAMENT NEUS, és fantàstic el que has contat aquí de la teua experiència. TVM
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